Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Best Buy Winery? Martin & Weyrich

I'm all about a good deal....   Here's a label  you should check out.   Martin and Weyrich of California.  It is not pretentious.  M&W makes consistently good value wines.   I have tried the Moscato, Pinot Grigio and Unwooded Chard.  All should be considered good deals.

First....these are all under $10.  The Allegro Moscato is a crowd pleaser.   Sweet and balanced..the ladies love this one.  Try the cocktails on the M&W web site.  Add a little citrus vodka and cranberry and you have a great Moscatini.  The PG is fruity with a little sweetness on the front side.  The Chard is an unwooded (my fave these days) and is light and crisp.

You can't go wrong with these for a party.

Thumbs up!


  1. Great adjectives.....

    So, what is a Chard? is this a fruit or veg. I'm also looking for a definition of "fave"........

  2. Super site! I am Loving it!! Will return once more, Im taking your food likewise, Thanks.
