Sunday, December 20, 2009

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Suggestions

If you read my previous post explaining the different types of sparklers, you'll remember that I said you didn't have to spend a fortune to get something that tastes good!  With that said, I will encourage you to spend at least $10 and you'll have something that is decent.  Here are my suggestions at various price points and types....I've had all of these and would serve them without hesitation.

$10-$13 Range

Domaine Saint Michelle; Washington State;

Driest:   Blanc de Noirs
Medium:   Brut
Slightly Sweet:    Extra Dry

These are all great buys and are true "Method Champenoise" bubblies.  Always rated as a "Best Value" or "Best Buy" buy the big wine magazines.  If you need several bottles for a shouldn't look any further than Domaine Saint Michelle.

  Note:  Domaine Saint Michelle has recently changed the label color.  You might encounter a bottle that looks like the one to the left.

If you like your sparkling wine a little on the sweet side, you should give this one a try.   This Spanish Cava is a good deal at around $10

Carta Nevada
Semi Dry

NOTE:  This wine comes in three levels of sweetness:  Semi-Sweet/Demi-Sec (very sweet to me); Semi-Dry/Semi-Sec (similar to an extra dry champagne in terms of sweetness) and Brut (least sweet).  Look at the bottles carefully as it is easy to grab the wrong one.

$19-$25 Range

If you like Sparkling Wines and are willing to part with a $20 bill, hear are a few that I suggest:

Gloria Ferrer
Sonoma Brut

Mumm Napa
Cuvee "M"  

Roederer Estate
Anderson Valley Brut

All of these wines are produced by the American arms of big European sparkling and Champagne houses.

Gloria Ferrer is located in Sonoma and has a gorgeous vineyard and visitor center.  It is owned by the Spanish company Freixenet (you know, that solid black bottle you always see in the stores).

The Gloria Ferrer Sonoma Brut was listed in Wine Spectator's October issue as one of the "Top 100 Most Exciting Wines of 2009."  At $20 or under it is a good deal.  It is a classic Brut, dry and crisp.

The Mumm Napa Cuvee "M" is produced by Mumm Napa, the American arm of the giant G.H. Mumm Winery, Reims, France.  G.H. Mumm also produces one of the most famous non vintage Champagnes, Mumm Cordon Rouge.  As a result of the long history and tradition of its parent company, Mumm Napa produces consistently good sparkling wines.

The Cuvee "M" is (of course) a cuvee meaning that it is a blend of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and perhaps other grapes from various vintages.   This wine is creamy, easy to drink and has just a hint of sweetness.  I really like this as an apertif or for that special celebration where you just want a nice bottle to open up.  This is a really good choice.

Roederer Estate is located in the Anderson Valley of Mendocino County (it is a beautiful place to visit, by the way) and is the American arm of yet another French Champagne house.  Have you ever heard of "Cristal?" (the bottle to the left)  You might have seen it wrapped neatly in cellophane behind the counter of your favorite wine shop (cost $250 or so).   Louis Roederer is (like Mumm) located in the Champagne center of Reims, France, and produces numerous high-end Champagnes.

Several years ago they opened an American facility in the Anderson Valley area of Mendocino County.  Located a little north of the Napa and Sonoma areas, Mendocino is full of big hills and closer to the Pacific.  The result is slightly cooler temperatures which produce some really flavorful wines.

The Roederer Estate Anderson Valley Brut is consistently rated as a good buy.   I first discovered this wine about ten years ago after a favorable review in the Wall Street Journal.  It has been one of my favorites ever since.  It is a classic Brut sparkling wine and is a nice addition to any dinner or party.

Even Better Yet...
$40-$50 Range

My favorite choice:

Moet & Chandon

This wine was known for years as "White Star" and has been my personal favorite since I had on my honeymoon with my (now) ex-wife nearly twenty years ago.  

This would classify as an "extra dry" champagne as it has just a touch of sweetness.  Too much talking ruins a good thing so I'll shut up about this one.  I like it!

Note:  You may find "White Star" instead of Imperial.  No bothers.  While slightly reformulated, you will still like it.  White Star still on the shelf is just fine.

Another Favorite......

Veuve Clicquot-Ponsardin
"Yellow Label" Brut


This is one of the most recognizable Champagne bottles (after Dom Perignon, which is noticeably absent from this blog.....).    The bright yellow-orange label is synonymous with a good quality sparkler.

While it does come in  "sec" (sweet) and dem-sec varieties, it is the Brut that is well known and respected.  This wine is clean, crisp, full flavored and very dry.  It is also a non-vintage cuvee and has more Pinot Noir than Chardonnay.  Another "can't miss" with this one....but its dryness is not for the champagne virgin.  You'll be wasting your money.

On my Christmas wish list to try....

Armand de Brignac Brut Gold

This baby just hit the market.  At $249 it is not cheap but promises to be something really, really special.  Wine Spectator recently gave it a 94 rating (very high) and the critics say it is amazing.

The bottle is a shiny gold and has a pewter label on the front.  It often is packaged in a nice little wooden box lined with satin.

If you like Champagne and have a special day coming up...this might be one to consider.

One last thing...

If you are looking for a sweet, dessert-style sparkling wine, you might want to give this one a try.  While I'm not a big fan of really sweet wines, I do find this one fun and easy to drink. I think it is great with a chocolate dessert.  The ladies really LOVE this one!

Rosa Regale
Banfi- Italy

Price:  around $20 for the standard size 750ml bottle

Available in 187, 375, 750 and 1.5 liter bottles

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just in time for the holidays.....Understanding Sparkling Wines

This time of year I always get a lot of questions about sparkling wines.  To those who only drink them during the holidays, they can be confusing.  It is also easy to buy a sparkler (and spend a lot of money) and get home and not like what you have purchased.   

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to get a decent, drinkable bottle of sparkling wine.  This blog is intended to be educational and easy to understand.  A follow-up blog will give some recommendations.  Please note.....  There are many, many different types and variations of sparkling wine.  The purpose of this blog is to help you with the most common types the casual wine drinker will encounter while shopping.

What is champagne and sparkling wine?   Champagne is a wine that is allowed to undergo a second fermentation in the bottle.  This second fermentation is what produces the bubbles or carbonation in champagne and other sparkling wines. 

The only sparkling wine that may be called “Champagne” is sparkling wine that is produced in the Champagne region of France.  While frequently called champagne, all other wine by law must be called sparkling wine!

There are several characteristics that greatly affect the price you will pay for various sparkling wine including area of origin, type, variety and method of production

Let’s first look at the most common types of sparkling wine and where they come from:

Type Country of Origin
Champagne France 
Sparkling wine Primarily France, USA, Spain, Italy (but others)       
Cava Spain
Prosecco Italy
Asti         Italy

NOTE:  People frequently ask for a “Spumonte.”  Spumonte is a “generic” Italian term (definition:  foamy) used to refer to multiple types of sparkling wine.    Asti Spumonte is a loose definition of sparkling wines from the Asti region of Italy but is not a true type of sparkling wine.

Method of Production

Methode Champenoise (also called Traditional Method)
Method Charmat

The Traditional method is the original (and most expensive) type of sparkling wine.  After the wine is bottled, additional yeast and sugar is added to each bottle and it is capped.  The bottles then are aged an extended period of time and the carbonation develops.

The Charmat method is the more modern (and commercial, bulk) process for producing sparkling wines.   With the exception of Prosecco, most inexpensive sparkline wines are made by the Charmat (bulk) process.  In this method, wine is placed in a stainless steel tank and carbon dioxide is added to the tank.  The wine absorbs the CO2 and gets its fizz.  

The most common types of sparkling wines you’ll find in an American liquor store are as follows:

Blanc de Blanc
Made from the Chardonnay grape
Blanc de Noir
Made from the Pinot Noir grape
Typically a “cuvee” blend with some added Pinot Noir red wine to the mixture
The most expensive type, these sparklers are made from a proprietary blend of multiple wines and vintages to create a unique wine

The most common reason people like or dislike a sparkling wine is due to the amount of sweetness in the wine.  Generally speaking, I have found that most casual wine drinkers (read those who only drink sparkling wine during the holidays each year or for a special occasion) prefer a sparkler that is slightly sweet.  Here are the most common types of sparklers based on sweetness

Brut (less than 15 grams of sugar per liter)    (Not Sweet)
Extra Dry (12 to 20 grams of sugar per liter)

You may also find a couple of other "sweeter" sparklers in nice wine stores.  Your typical grocery/discount store will not typically carry these
Sec (17 to 35 grams of sugar per liter)
Demi-Sec (33 to 50 grams of sugar per liter)   (Very Sweet)

Vintage or Non-Vintage
Unless you are going to spend well over $100 for a bottle of Champagne, you will only encounter Non-Vintage sparkling wine.  It may be labeled as NV or may make no reference whatsoever.    A Vintage Champagne will always have a year prominently displayed on the label.

Here are a couple of common examples to help you...

Moet & Chandon Dom Perignon 
Vintage (most commonly found today is 2000)
Champagne (from the Champagne region of France)
Methode Champenoise
While not labeled as such, this is a very dry, brut Champagne

Korbel Brut
Methode Champenoise

Andre or Cooks
Brut, Extra Dry, Rose, et al

Martini and Rossi Asti Spumonte
Moscato Grape

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Castle Rock Pinot Noir - 2008 Monterey County

I mentioned some time ago that I was working my way through Wine Spectator's Top 500 values for under $20 (October issue).  Tonight, I finally get around to one of the Pinot Noir's on the list.   Those of you who are regular PN drinkers know that it is difficult to find a good bottle for under $20.  In fact, many of the better Pinot's are in the upper $20 range.  I found WS to be on the mark with this one.  It is indeed a good buy.

I'm frequently asked to recommend less expensive Pinots.  First, there are not many choices. Second, you'll not find many American Pinot's under $20 period.  Lastly, many of them are just not that good.  They lack the structure and body of those (particularly Oregon) American Pinot Noirs we've grown to like and pay top dollar for.  Most value-priced Pinots ($10-$15) that I find are French imports.

Castle Rock Winery produces an abundance of wines primarily from the various California regions, and a limited selection from Oregon and Washington.  The 2008 vintage has three different Pinot Noirs.  There are bottles from Monterey (the subject of this article), Mendocino, Central Coast and a California Cuvee (blend from various viticultural areas).   Castle Rock sources grapes from vineyards around the state and produces the California varietals in Geyserville (Napa Valley).  Their wine line-up is full of affordable wines.

This wine is light to medium-bodied as is typical (in my opinion) of most moderately priced California PN.  It has a dark cherry red appearance and smells of blackberries and dark, sweet cherries.  It has few tannins and is really easy to drink.  At 13.4% alcohol it is comparable to most American Pinot Noirs.   The flavors complemented the cheddar cheese and crackers I had with it as well as the beef stroganoff I had for dinner.   Castle Gate Pinot Noir is priced right and would make an excellent workday or party wine.

Bottom line:  This is a really nice, easy-to-drink Pinot with wonderful, fruity flavors.  While not complex is its structure, it does have enough body to stand up to lighter dishes.  I think this wine is better suited for that "nice glass of red" that we often look forward to after a rough day.

Price/Value:   Good;  

Comparable Wines:  Concannon Livermore Valley Pinot Noir

Price:  $13-14

Serving Temp:   I recommend 60 degrees.  I tried it at 56 and 65 and found the middle range more appropriate.

Let me know what you think.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Don't Peek! A really nice chardonnay under $10

Fetzer "Valley Oaks" Chardonnay - 2008

Okay..okay...I can hear you saying "OMG" or see your rolling eyes....but this wine really is good!

Years ago I drank Fetzer "Sundial" Chardonnay.  It was reliable and inexpensive.  The "Sundial" is no longer around having faded into the past.  Fetzer rebranded the line several years ago and it is now called "Valley Oaks."  You'll find a complete line of wines with this label from Pinot Grigio to Cabernet.  All are reasonably priced.  The Chardonnay, however, gets the best ratings of the lot.

I haven't tried the Fetzer Chardonnay in quite a few years.  A few weeks back I was thumbing through Wine Spectator's October issue where they highlighted the Top 500 under $20.   When I got to the Chard section I saw this wine highlighted as a "Best Value."  I was shocked!  It received an 87 WS rating and cost about $9.  

Tonight I had some marinated grilled chicken breast along with steamed asparagus and seasoned red potatoes.  The Fetzer VO Chard was a real treat with the meal as well as by itself.  If you like an inexpensive wine for after work or need a good wine for a party....this is  your wine.

This is a medium-body wine.  At 13% alcohol it is just a tad lower than the California 13.5% standard.   According to the winery web site, it was mostly fermented in Stainless Steel with only a small amount barrel fermented and even less undergoing malolactic fermentation (a secondary fermentation process especially popular in Chardonnay converts malic acid into lactic acid and creates a smooth, buttery taste).  The result is a wine reminiscent of a French white burgundy with just a hint of butter and oak.

I really liked this wine.  It was easy (almost too easy) to drink and is one heck of a buy for the price. Give it a try for a workday wine or serve it at your holiday parties.  It even comes in a 1.5 liter bottle that is even a better buy for parties.

Rating: Good/Very Good

Price  $8-10

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oh You (Velvet) Devil, You!

The Velvet Devil
2007 Merlot
Charles Smith Wines

A few weeks ago I reviewed a new Chardonnay called "Eve."  Tonight I will tell you about a sinfully delicious Merlot from the same producer, Charles Smith WInes from the Columbia Valley in Washington State.

First, let me say that I've never been a huge Merlot fan.   I can't really say why but I just typically don't find them that exciting.   There are "kick ass" cabs and equally as grand Pinots but I've never found a Merlot that rocked my socks!  I'm one of these instant gratification types--and you won'f find a cellar at my place.  I typically drink what I buy pretty quickly.

Maybe this is why I like the Charles Smith wines.  He has a line called "The Modernist Project" that is meant to be reflective of our society.....we buy wine then go home and drink it!   Hence, he produces a line of wines that are meant to be drunk immediately and are full of the flavors of the varietal it represents.  The labels are simple black and white with names sure to stand out.

Velvet Devil merlot is a light-medium bodied merlot.  Its 13.5% alcohol content is typical of American wines.  It is smooth....very, very smooth (hence the velvet moniker).  Serve this wine in the low 60's....and you'll experience a mouth full of flavor.  Too cold or too warm (don't serve it above 65 degrees) and the flavors will not stand out.

It has a great ruby red color.  I poured it in a large Spiegelau Bordeaux glass and just took in the great color and aroma.  Have you ever noticed that some Merlots have a brown tinge to them?  This merlot does not.  You'll be able to pick out plum and berry flavors.  The vintner's web site mentions "hints of chocolate."  Sure enough....stick that nose down in the glass..close your eyes...and there it is...chocolate!

Bottom line....  this is a fun wine.  It is ever so smooth.  It tastes GREAT.  It isn't complicated.  Enjoy this after work or with pork.  I had it with my "Comfort Food Sunday" meal of Navy Beans and Ham.  It was terrific!

Rating:   Very Good

Price:  $12-$13

Drink up and enjoy!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2007 Adelsheim Willamette Valley Chardonnay

I've been a fan of Adelsheim since the early 2000's after getting to taste their Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (which is always sure to please).  Adelsheim produces several tiers of Pinot Noir as well as a fine Pinot Gris.

This review covers their new Chardonnay--Willamette Valley 2007.   This label is new for the 2007 vintage. For the 2006 vintage they produced a Chardonnay titled simply "CH" but that has been discontinued and replaced by the subject of this review.

At $22, this wine is a little higher than those I normally discuss. However, I have wanted to try this one for a while and decided to give it a go.  It is not what I call and "weekday wine" but instead should be saved to pair with a meal of roasted chicken or grilled fish.

This wine is marketed as unoaked (although after research I found that 8% was fermented in barrels to add "complexity") and compares nicely to Silver by Mer Soleil and is significantly less expensive than that $35-40 bottle.

Make sure to let this wine warm a little when you take it out of the fridge.  Once it warms up to 40-45 degrees the aroma of a pear or apple orchard fills the glass.  Then, you get to experience a clean, crisp glass of a first-rate wine.  If you serve a Chardonnay right out of the fridge, the cold temperature will mask the flavors and aromas.  So.....take that bottle out and let it warm up a little bit!

Adelsheim Willamette Valley Chardonnay is a great wine and I really liked it.   Don't hesitate to give it a try.  If you like a lot of oak or a "buttery" will not like this one. But, to all of you "big oak" Chard drinkers:   give the oak a rest and try some of these Naked/Unwooded/Unoaked Chardonnays.  They are a refreshing break from the often overbearing woody taste you have been getting with those "high end" chards.

Rating:  Very Good

Price:  $20-22

Note:  Adelsheim produces a few other "high end" Chardonnays.  These will be in the $40-$60 price range and are not the same as the wine reviewed here.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

2006 Ten Mile -- "The Broken Road" Red Blend

This week's featured red is a red blend I heard about in Food and Wine Magazine's feature on the best wines under $15.   Ten Mile Red is produced by Ten Mile Wines in the Napa Valley and is a blend four primary varietals:  Petite Sirah, Zinfandel, Barbera and Carignane.

Over the past year I've had the opportunity to explore a good many red blends and have found them to generally be a lot of fun and easy to drink.  The California winemakers have created a niche of these blends and you should easily find them in your local wine store.

Let's cut to the chase on this one.....BUY IT NOW! It rocks!   The good news is that this one sells for less than $15.  The bad may be hard to find.  For those of you in my Oklahoma stomping ground you can get this at Thru the Cellar Door but quantities are limited.

Now to the wine....this is a delightful wine with a medium body and deep rich garnet color.  The tannins are relatively low and it is easy to drink.

The nose catches hints of pepper and spice.  The palate gets deep, rich berries and fruits.  It is smooth..very smooth... and will pair well with a variety of foods.  I had it with pot roast and it was great.

I'd call this a diamond in the rough.   It is a wine of immense structure and will not disappoint. is one helluva buy.

Rating:   Outstanding

Price:   $14-$16

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Van Duzer Pinot Gris - 2007

I've mentioned several times that I've become a real fan of Oregon and Washington State wines.   By far, my favorite Pinot Noirs come from Oregon (Adelsheim, Firesteed, Elk Cove, et al).  I think they have better body and, on average, are head and shoulders ahead of their California cousins.   Almost all of the major Oregon Pinot wineries also produce excellent Pinot Gris.  First...a lesson in Pinot Gris...

What is Pinot Gris?   Most likely you've heard of Pinot Grigio.  Pinot Grigio is that dry, light  white wine from Italy.  You'll find at least 10 of them from Italy in most any wine store.  You know, all of those cute shaped bottles in the Italian row.... Pinot Gris is the same grape as Pinot Grigio.  The same grape is called Pinot Beurot in Burgundy (France), Tokay d'Alsace in Alsace (France) and Rulander in Germany.  In the US Pacific Northwest, that grape is known as Pinot Gris  (pronounced   pee-no-gree).

Pinot Grigio from Italy (and most California PG's) is light, dry and has a lemon/citrus aroma.  It is typically a pale, straw color and has a light body.  Pinot Gris, on the contrary, has a more floral, fruity aroma with a slightly heavier body and more golden color.  Don't get me is a dry white wine but it has more aroma and floral overtones.  Because of this, it will match up to many dishes including grilled pork and chicken.  It is also a great wine for an aperitif.

The Van Duzer Estate 2007 Pinot Gris is a nice example of an Oregon Pinot Gris.  It has a light golden color and  hints of melon and fig on the nose.   Fruity, but not over the top, it has enough body to accompany many meats.  I paired it with a thick, center cut pork chop that I seasoned and grilled along with Mushroom risotto and steamed broccoli.

Oregon Pinot's can be pricey.  Most Pinot Noir's from Oregon are in the $20-$30 price range with higher end bottles in the $40-$60 range.  Pinot Gris wines are also more pricey than their California PG counterparts.  You'll find plenty of California and Italian PG's in the $10-$15 range.  You should expect to pay $15-$20 for an Oregon Pinot Gris.  Other labels to look for are Firesteed, Adelsheim, Elk Cove, Benton Lane and Tangent.

Rating:  Very Good

Price:   $16-$18

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Phantom Fury

Tonight I had the opportunity to taste a really outstanding red blend from Bogle Vineyards.  Called "Phantom," this hearty red is a blend of Petit Syrah, Zinfandel and Mourvedre. With an alcohol content of 14.5 percent, it does have a little punch.  We tried the 2006 vintage which just became available in Oklahoma.   Pour a glass of this in a big, open wine glass and admire the deep ruby-garnet color!

The first whif on the nose is noticeably Zin...that sweet, dark and fruity aroma that you get on those hearty reds.  When you try this one (and I highly recommend it), swirl it around your mouth a bit at first.  That first taste hits your mouth very, very dry and the tannins from the Mourvedre tend to dominate.  However, on the subsequent drinks you'll start to experience the rich flavors of the Zin..... then the slight spiciness imparted by the Petit Syrah and a long, smooth finish.  Wood does not overpower the richness of this but aids in the smooth, dry finish.  I had this along side a Mexican casserole with beef and beans and it blended nicely.

Phantom is a full-bodied red wine and is not for the red wine newbie.  If you like Zins, Shiraz or full bodied merlot or cab you should like this.  If a lighter Pinot Noir or Grenache is your style you probably won't be happy with this one.

I've been drinking Bogle wines for years.   Bogle is known for is "value" line of wines (mainly Chardonnay and Merlot around $12) and receives consistently good ratings.  However, this wine is a definite step up and you won't (and shouldn't) find it on the lower shelves in your local store.


PRICE:       $18-20

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Best Buy Winery? Martin & Weyrich

I'm all about a good deal....   Here's a label  you should check out.   Martin and Weyrich of California.  It is not pretentious.  M&W makes consistently good value wines.   I have tried the Moscato, Pinot Grigio and Unwooded Chard.  All should be considered good deals.

First....these are all under $10.  The Allegro Moscato is a crowd pleaser.   Sweet and balanced..the ladies love this one.  Try the cocktails on the M&W web site.  Add a little citrus vodka and cranberry and you have a great Moscatini.  The PG is fruity with a little sweetness on the front side.  The Chard is an unwooded (my fave these days) and is light and crisp.

You can't go wrong with these for a party.

Thumbs up!

Snap Dragon - 2007 California Red

Tonight I'm reviewing Snap Dragon 2007 Red Blend.  This is a wine I first read about a few weeks ago on Food and Wine magazine's top wine article.  It is for sure a good buy.

This is a wine heavy with Zin.   The front-side sweetness is balanced by some peppery shiraz which provides the  body to pair with most any dish.  Snap Dragon Red could be an after-work appertif or be paired with a nice steak. 

Bottom line......a nice wine....good body with a little spice.

Rating:     GOOD

Price:   $10-12

Thru the Cellar Door Discount

For those of you following my blog who live in Broken Arrow, you can find all of the wines I discuss at Thru the Cellar Door Wine and Spirits.  Locally owned, it is located at The Shops at Stonewood Hills near the hotels.

Mention my blog when you buy a wine I review and you will receive a special discount.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Note About Pricing....

FYI... Wine prices fluctuate WILDLY from state to state (and for you to country). For example, the 1.5l bottle of La Vieille Ferme Rouge sells for $18 in Oklahoma. I saw it of $13 at Sam's Club in Birmingham. So.....don't give me any crap about prices...OKAY

La Vieille Ferme Rouge

This is my absolute favorite, best-buy red of the year. And, I owe it to my friend Eileen Hallmark with Vineyard Brands Importers. She posted it as a suggestion back in the spring.

This is a dry red wine with very few tannins (that means no "pucker" to you wine virgins). It is medium bodied and similar in mouthfeel to a lighter merlot.

It is dry, fruity and wonderful. I've had this with burgers and steaks and most often just by itself as a pick me up. It even works with Hamburger Helper!

As soon as the weather gets cooler I will be using this in a Julia Child recipe for Beef Bourginone. It will be a killer.

I've found this wine drinks best at around 65 degrees. Pop it in the fridge for 10-15 minutes. Also, it really opens up with some air. Pour it in a BIG glass and let it swirl around. You will not be disappointed.


Price: 750ml around $8-10
1.5l $13-18

Hogue Pinot Grigio - 2008

For my first blog (only because I'm in the mood and it is what I am drinking tonight....) I'll be reviewing Hogue Pinot Grigio (2008).

This is a Washington state, Columbia River Valley wine that is full of clean, crisp flavors. It is not....repeat not.....a full bodied "Burgundian" Pinot Gris style wine. Instead, it is reminiscent of a California-style Pinot Grigio. With more fruit than the typical Italian Pinot, it remains clean and crisp and pairs nicely with lighter seafood. I had tonight with pan-seared Tilapia and parmesan risotto and it was great.

This is a great wine for a warm summer night. It would be great at a pool party, concert in the park or, of course, smuggled in to a little league ball game to make the event more pleasant for the parents.


PRICE: $12

Ground Rules of My Wine Blog

First things first..... I am not a wine snob. You will not get reviews full of foo foo adjectives from me. Instead I'll tell you if the wine is good or not (in my not-so-humble opinion of course). I'm still working out my rating system so I reserve the right to change as this blog evolves. Depending on my mood, I might actually try to describe what I am reviewing.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome to my new blog

Hello.....and welcome to my first experience blogging!

Wine with Wes will be a periodic (probably weekly) blog where I comment about various wine and wine-related topics. I'll probably specialize in what I call "high value" wines. I'm all about finding that great wine deal in these tight economic times. After all, who doesn't like a good buy?

Please sign up to follow me and share with your friends.
